Cat of the Day

December 14, 1998

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Graphite, the Cat of the Day
Name: Graphite
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male
Breed: Cat
Home: Island of Mazin, France
   I would like to introduce my cat Graphite: He is five years old, resides in the island of Mazin in France, and I do not know what his breed might be. Like most of his peers the cats, Graphite behaves like a king. He has selected the biggest armchair in the house and royally sits there as if it were his throne. He is so huge I can't even carry him anymore. Sometimes, when his eminence feels like it, he will let me pet him for a little while, and may even consent to purr.

    Graphite is very fond of meditation and calmness and, apparently, does not have the vocation chasing mice. He is very fond of classical music and, of course, particularly enjoys the "Carnival of the Animals" by Saint Saens. When comes "The Birds" part, he always raises an attentive ear, which makes us laugh so much! He is very magnanimous and lets the poor homeless kittens of the island eat the rests of his meals. Graphite's favorite activities include eating, meowing for his meal, digesting, taking naps, meditating on his cat condition, watching the world through his favorite window, and checking the Pet of the Day site, where he loves to stare at beautiful female cat's pictures.

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