Cat of the Day

Kitten Update Extravaganza!

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    Wolfy and Bear: The two little dark kittens in the pictures turned out to be all black after all and are males. Their names are Wolfy and Bear and they now belong to my son and daughter who live three miles from us. They come to visit us and their mommy often and love the car ride.

    Grace Slick: The tiger stripe kitten earned the named Grace Slick for her fabulous vocal abilities; she lives with a Diane, a friend of mine from work and her two cats and a dog. She's the dog's best friend now, and they are inseparable.

    Tommy and Elmo: The two "twins" turned out to not be twins at all as they grew older but went to a home together where they have an eight-year-old boy they absolutely adore and a little girl who dresses them up in doll clothes and rides them in her buggy. Brenda, the kids' Gramma, says the kittens never scratch or bite and love kisses.

    Mookie: Mookie, the tiniest of the litter, went to another good friend of mine Linda. She has two other Persian kitty friends. Mookie also turned out solid black like her mommy and is very vocal. She kept her baby name of Mookie because they thought it suited her. Linda marvels at how sleek, long and lean Mookie is compared to the Persians.

    Silky: And that leaves Silky, the firstborn. We kept her till last so Scarlett wouldn't suffer too badly from losing her kittens and as it turned out we teased fate just a little too long and my husband fell in love with her. So, she's kitty number four here at our house.

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