Cat of the Day

November 16, 2001

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Lulu, the Cat of the Day
Name: Lulu
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Short-Haired Tabby
Home: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
   Lulu lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA - yep, she's a Cajun cat! Lulu is special in many ways. She is extremely affectionate and loves snuggling up in my lap to take a long nap. She has the softest fur and is a joy to pet. Lulu is a "kissin' fool" - she kisses my face until it's practically raw! She's so sweet when she does it that I can't tell her to stop even though it hurts. Lulu will eat just about anything, and being the good Cajun cat that she is, she loves chicken and sausage gumbo. She's quite a charismatic cat and has attracted something of a following on her website.

    Lulu is also quite popular in the neighborhood. There's a group of little girls who love to come knock on the door and ask, "Can I play with Lulu?" Isn't that sweet? Happy as I am to share her charms with others, I am even happier that she saves most of her affection, trust and love for me. It is indeed an honor to know and love her.

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