Cat of the Day

December 22, 2002

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Booshie, the Cat of the Day
Name: Booshie
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Cat
Home: Dundalk, Ontario, Canada
   Our cat Booshie is truly special. She is deaf but understands sign language, that's how we communicate with her. She is six years old and loves to chase lights. She is named after a booshie blanket that was so snuggly and she always curled up and fell asleep on. Her favorite toy is a fishing rod with a feather and usually she growls if the other cats want to play as well. But nothing is as good as chasing the light or watching the birds. When her little paw goes up and waves at you, you know she is trying to tell you something after all these years we have learned to understand exactly what she wants to tell us. She is a treasure and I thought that this picture of her curled up on my son's Santa hat is precious and I also included a photo of her at the window (on bird patrol of course!).

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