Cat of the Day

January 19, 2002

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Jack, the Cat of the Day
Name: Jack
Age: Ten months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cornish Rex
Home: Bothell, Washington, USA
   I have always been a dog person until this little guy and his sister Ellie came into my life last year. I really never expected to ever have a cat as a pet, because I am very allergic to them. Then I was introduced to the sweet and fun cornish rex. They have very short fur, and for some reason, are very low in allergen as compared to other cats. We adopted Jack's big sister Ellie first, but after a little while, my husband and I felt she needed a playmate. And then came Jack!

    He is such a sweet boy... our little mellow man except for when he and Ellie play chase by the hour around our apartment. When he is done playing chase, he loves to lounge with us, like he is here being a couch potato with my husband. He and Ellie both are forever snuggle-bugs, sleeping with us every night. Sometimes even under the covers! Jack has very varied interests. A few of his favorite things include having cat-nip bubbles blown for him, and stealing every cotton ball or q-tip he can get a hold of, no matter how hard I try to keep them away from him. He also loves to play "hide"... which means hide anything he can get a hold of, whether it is a pen, a furry mouse, or my personal favorite, the car keys. Not too much of a worry though, whatever it is, you can usually find it under the bath mat! He also loves to jump in the shower with us for a quick bath.

    Jack is extremely vocal and we always tease that he secretly smokes about four packs of cigarettes a day. Even when he was only eight weeks old, he had this very low gravelly voice that he loves to share in long drawn out "mrows". Every morning he wakes up purring like a chain saw. He purrs so frequently and so loudly, that he often wakes us up at night. It is hard to get frustrated though. His happiness is nothing short of infectious. Jack is the epitome of joy, and such a good reminder to everyone to relish even the simplest pleasures in life.

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