Cat of the Day

November 24, 2002

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Pookie, the Cat of the Day
Name: Pookie
Age: Deceased, Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tabby
Home: Virginia, USA
   Pookie was a "dumpster cat." Can you imagine anyone simply throwing away such a beautiful little boy!? It was love at first sight when we saw him at our vet clinic after someone rescued him. We named him Calvin because he has a big brother (also an Orange Tabby) named Hobbes. But he was always "Pookie" because it seemed to fit his personality. Wow! Did he have personality! He just waited until he was old enough and wise enough to become Top Cat among the other five cats we had at the time. He was a benevolent dictator and kept all the others in line when they needed it. He slept next to me almost every night, putting me to sleep with his wonderful purr. In July we discovered he was suffering from kidney failure, very unusual for such a young cat. He went to Rainbow Bridge on Tuesday, August 1st. He was just six years old. We all loved him very much and will miss him forever. He was a Wonderful Tiger!

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