Cat of the Day

December 18, 2003

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Blizzard, the Cat of the Day
Name: Blizzard
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Cat
Home: Bensenville, Illinois, USA
   My pet's name is Blizzard. She is a cat and the most wonderful kind. She is two years old and she is very sensitive to a human's need. When I cry she comes to comfort me and licks my hand. When she plays she usually plays with the thing that comes around the milk gallons, she also plays with garbage ties and bouncy balls.

    When we found her she was a stray and living in our bushes. When we asked a police man to give her to the local shelter, but the next day she was crying at our door. I think it was fate, and she was meant to be in our home and with us. She has a favorite place in our home, the top of our scanner. She sleeps and rests there, because it is right in front of the living room so she can watch us.

    At night Blizzard sleeps beside our legs, and purrs when she sits on my teddy bear. She can become angry when she is bothered a lot, but what cat doesn't. But if she does bite you and you say stop, she will stop. She is very obedient in that way. Her most favorite place for you to pet and scratch her is under her chin, and neck. She is unlike another cat or pet I have ever met and I want to share that with the world.

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