Cat of the Day

November 18, 2003

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Porsche, the Cat of the Day
Name: Porsche
Age: Three years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Siamese, Tabby mix
Home: Palm Beaches, Florida, USA
   This is my cat Porsche. We came up with this name because my husband would drool at that type of car all the time. Now we can say we own a Porsche. She was rescued by a customer of ours who found her cowering underneath a bush outside of her apartment. I'm surprised she was able to catch her, because she was a very timid cat. At one point, her rescuer called the Fire Department to her house to bring Porsche from behind her washer/dryer! After hearing that story, I asked if she might be willing to let me see the cat. When I went to the house, Porsche was hiding, but within minutes she came out and began rubbing against my ankles and purring. Everyone was amazed, and I had found my kitty soul-mate! Porsche came to live with us on my birthday in October of 2000. She has the biggest, bluest most expressive eyes I have ever seen on a cat. When I talk to her she will cock her head, as if trying to understand. She sticks to me like glue, following me from room to room and snuggles in close to my back at night to sleep. When she decides it is time to get up, she turns on the loud purr and pulls on my nightgown straps with her mouth. If that doesn't work, she goes over to hubby and tries to wake him, as if to say, "Wake her up!" She sits on the arm of my chair and peeks over my shoulder when I'm at the computer. She likes to play hide and go seek, and loves to "help" me make the bed. She is a long and lean Porsche machine and can jump as if she's spring-loaded! But, whenever we have company, she hides until they leave. She is definitely my cat and I am her human!

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