Cat of the Day

November 29, 2003

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Mons, the Cat of the Day
Name: Mons
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Norway
   This is Mons. Mons is one and a half years old and a really sweet little guy who lives in Norway. He likes to follow me around the house and is also very fond of his mom, his brothers and his sister. The window sill he's sitting on in the picture is mainly his mom's favorite place, so he's very happy whenever he gets the chance to borrow it. Especially during winter, since snow is a lot of fun, but also v-v-very c-c-cold, Mons thinks. He spends a lot of time outdoors during the summer, but never goes far away from home. He absolutely loves to eat, and every time dinner is served, he gets up on his hind feet and stretches up to help me put his bowl down for him, purring like his life depended on it.

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