Cat of the Day

January 12, 2004

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Krizia, the Cat of the Day
Name: Krizia
Age: Fourteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Domestic Tabby
Home: Valley Village, California, USA
   What makes Krizia so special to me is that she is very adaptable! I found her when I lived in Cambridge, MA fourteen years ago. She was the kitten of a stray and needed a home. Since then she has moved with me to about ten different apartments... from Cambridge, MA, Washington, D.C., Alexandria, VA and about two years ago, she traveled with me to Southern California. I didn't expect her to be so laid back with all the moves and with each move I think I stressed way more than she did. She's a very easy going, loving girl and I'm so happy that she has been my constant companion through the years!

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