Cat of the Day

January 18, 2004

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Chello, the Cat of the Day
Name: Chello
Age: Deceased, Fifteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tabby
Home: Colorado, USA
   Our wonderful Tabby Cat, Chello was humanely put to sleep March 27, 2003. Our other pets, Cassy the Cat and Niwa the Bearded Collie have loved Chello for fifteen years, as do we.

    Communication was his forte. He was so well-versed in Cat-onese with such a vocabulary! Chello knew when to be quiet as well. He was an expert alarm clock every morning and knew when to let us sleep in. Always speaking up for his kibble, his "Thank You" purrs and body wraps around our legs will be sorely missed.

    Chello knew that laps are very special places to be. When he did climb up, you knew that you had been carefully chosen for his sincere affection. Chello will live in our hearts forever. He taught us how precious life is and how wonderful animals are.

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