Cat of the Day

January 26, 2004

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Big Guy, the Cat of the Day
Name: Big Guy
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: USA
   Big Guy is approximately five years old and has been part of my family for four and a half of those years. He was a neighbor's cat that decided to adopt me. Actually, he liked the food I was feeding my other cats better than what he was getting at home and decided my house was more fun than his.

    Big Guy is aptly named, because he weighs approximately 15 pounds, but he's not fat, as he maintains his figure by lots of exercise. His coat is like velvet and loves being petted and scratched. He is not at all shy; he will jump right into your lap, head butt you and ask to be petted and scratched. Whenever he sees an open lap, he naturally believes he should be sleeping in it. He enjoys basking in the sun on our porch railing, but is a bit annoyed that he can no longer go tree climbing and bird & squirrel chasing. He used to roam around a golf course whenever he wanted, but we moved from a ground floor duplex to a third floor apartment which means he now stays home all the time. His best buddy is our youngest cat Miss Pandora the Pest (who is also aptly named). They groom each other every day, and he pays particular attention to her ears. I like to think its because he knows she doesn't like it when Mom cleans them, but who really knows!

    Big Guy is actually quite amazing around our two-year-old grandchild, who immediately gravitates towards the kitties when she is here. He allows her to roughly pet him and chase him around the apartment, but has never scratched her or even hissed at her. Because he is such a sweetheart, he gets special treats every day, which of course he believes is his right. I have lots of pictures of him, but this one is the one I like the best.

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