Cat of the Day

December 12, 2005

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Ivan, the Cat of the Day
Name: Ivan
Age: Ten months old
Gender: Male
Kind: American short hair
Home: Norristown, Pennsylvania, USA
   My name is Ivan. I belong to Dominic and Taylor. I don't mind saying that I am quite a handsome feline. I am grey and petite (since I am still a young man) and I have a white diamond shape on my nose as well as white paws and belly. When Dominic gave me to Taylor for her 24th birthday, he put me in a big gift bag. I did a good job hiding in the bag; I stayed very quiet and still. I was a little scared because I was in a new place. When Taylor opened the bag and looked down at me, I looked up at her and she started to cry. She was so happy! That made me feel very proud and I wasn't scared anymore. I knew that I was with people that would love me and care for me. I stayed very quiet for quite a while though. I was still a baby and didn't know many words, but eventually after having so many people talk to me, I developed a very extensive vocabulary and now I talk all the time. I also like to sing a lot. Dominic gets a little annoyed when I sing because I usually do it while he is trying to sleep.

    My favorite toy is a little eyeball from a stuffed animal I found one day. I like to carry it around in my mouth and it looks like I have three eyes. Dominic and Taylor laugh at this so I do it often for their entertainment. Dominic and Taylor spoil me; I always get the very best food and the very best litter and they buy me toys but I ignore them and instead go play with my eyeball.

    I am a lucky kitten. Dominic and Taylor care for me so very much and I am happiest when the three of us get to cuddle together under warm blankets and show how happy our little family is.

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