Cat of the Day

December 20, 2005

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Louis, the Cat of the Day
Name: Louis
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: South Portland, Maine, USA
   This is my baby Louis. He is my owner. He is the king of the house and my special boy. His cat mother stopped feeding him, and I got him when he was four weeks old. He slept in my neck, under my chin, for the first two months he was here, so we bonded.

    Louis likes to come in while I shower and brush my teeth. He loves water. He also enjoys a ride in the car now and then, and will bring me a toy when he wants to play. I dressed him up as Santa this past Halloween, and we went trick or treating. People gave him cat treats. He also enjoys jumping on his brother cat, Charlie, who is old and doesn't appreciate it very much.

    When he turned one, I had a party and people came with gifts. He was such a showoff. He opened his own gifts and played with them in front of everyone. When my nine-year-old son goes to bed at night, Louis goes with him and after I tuck them both in, I turn on the music box and Louis stretches out and goes to sleep next to my son. He comes back downstairs after my son is asleep. He is the most special cat. I never thought I'd love an animal as much as I love him. He knows he has me wrapped around his paw!

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