Cat of the Day

January 6, 2005

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Wubby, the Cat of the Day
Name: Wubby
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic shorthair
Home: Virginia, USA
   This is my cat, Wubby, under our Christmas tree last year. He's is simply the best pet I could possibly ask for. I got him when he was six weeks old and he used to snuggle up right under my neck and refused to sleep anywhere else. Wubby has a large vocabulary and it's easy to tell at any time what he wants or what mood he's in. He's always doing things that make me laugh, like stealing my dad's pens and pushing them under the carpet.

    The great thing about Wubby is that he loves to wrestle with my hand. Because of where we live, his colors don't make for very effective camouflage, so he thinks of me as his prey sometimes.

    One of the cutest things he does is play hide and seek with me. If I ever go out of site, he'll always try to find out where I am. And sometimes, he'll hide and wait for me to seek him. When I find him, he usually pounces on me.

    He's the best cat ever!

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