Cat of the Day

January 12, 2005

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Silverbell, the Cat of the Day
Name: Silverbell
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic Shorthair
Home: West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
   This is my Silverbell. He was a tough and scared tomcat eating from the food that I supplied hungry neighborhood felines. When I realized he was homeless, I began my quest to win him over. At first he would hardly let me see him, then he would hardly let me watch him eat, then he would barely allow me to touch him before running, then he would allow me to touch him but not while he ate, and on and on. All the while I was winning him over, he was winning over my heart. I risked life and limb to rescue him from atop the neighbor's two-story house, even though I was (and am) afraid of heights. I found him on the neighbor's roof, crying for help, not coming down after an hour's waiting and pleading to him. I attempted to coax him with a can of tuna, but what he really wanted was for Mamma to come to the edge of the roof and retrieve him! That was the last straw before being officially adopted into my home. No more being outside in the bad, dangerous world for my baby.

    He was my first male cat, and he's really such a Mamma's Boy. He snuggles his big head under my chin and nuzzles close to me to sleep when my husband is out of town. He's quite the guardian kitty � he emits a low but fierce-sounding growl when the front door bell rings, ready to protect me and his home. His favorite locations are on the back of the sofa looking out on the front of the house, and the kitchen windowsills looking for birds, lizards, squirrels, or any living thing that moves outside. He and his step-siblings are strictly inside cats. He is occasionally allowed outside briefly in our screened-in back yard pool area when I am able to supervise his activities. When he is content, he sticks his little pink tongue out, which is barely visible in this photo. He is the happiest person/cat you could ever imagine. I think he's just so happy to be off the streets and into a loving, caring home. He always has a smile on his face and a joyful attitude. He went from a wild street boy to a sweet and gentle big boy and I love him more than I could ever say.

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