Cat of the Day

January 17, 2005

Today's Cat
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Neko, the Cat of the Day
Name: Neko
Age: Eleven weeks old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic shorthair
Home: North Alabama, USA
   Logically, there is nothing I can say that illustrates what makes our cat any more extraordinary than any other cat except that he is ours. His status in our lives makes him the most funny, beautiful, smart, and loving cat on the planet. Put simply, he's the best cat ever.

    He's so smart that we were able to train him away from the dinner table in just three days. Keeping him out of our drinking cups is proving to be more of a challenge. He's fascinated with water: he joins us in the shower and lays in the sink while we brush our teeth. He's not a "fraidy-cat" in the least - he's not frightened by loud noises or even the vacuum cleaner. Our neighbor's barking dogs are a source of endless fascination for him (we think he likes to goad them a little.) We enjoy watching him figure out the laws of physics, develop dexterity, defy gravity, and solve the puzzles we put before him. He's trained us to put down the toilet seat, is converting us to morning people, and I'm confident we will have learned telepathically how to construct a catwalk by Christmas.

    His loving nature is the clincher on our hearts. He has a very loud purr. After four days he felt comfortable enough with us to accept us as surrogate parents. First thing in the morning and right before bed he wants to suckle (I hope this isn't one of those embarrassing revelations that kids bemoan). The rest of the day he wants to play or nap on any available lap. He's considerate because he splits his time with each of us evenly, so neither of us feel left out of his world. Who could ask for a better companion?

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