Cat of the Day

January 27, 2005

Today's Cat
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Minou, the Cat of the Day
Name: Minou
Age: Four years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tabby
Home: Canada
   Minou is special to me because she is not "just a cat" but a friend. Every time I come home, she welcomes me with her friendly meows and hugs. She never ceases to amaze me with her climbing abilities, I often have to stop for a second and imagine how in the world she got there! Minou has a large vocabulary of different meows and knows that she will get her way when she flashes her beautiful green eyes. If however she doesn't get her way, she slaps my heel with her little paw and then runs away. She often goes on little 'tears of madness' and runs around the house like a hurricane and growls like thunder! She is a crazy cat but I couldn't imagine my family without her. Every day is fun with Minou!

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