Cat of the Day

January 8, 2007

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Tifa, the Cat of the Day
Name: Tifa
Age: Five years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Maine Coon mix
Home: Oregon, USA
   We adopted Tifa from Committed Alliance to Strays (C.A.T.S.), a local no-kill shelter that rescued her as a kitten. Her name is not short for Tiffany; my video game-loving husband named Tifa and her sister Aeris after characters in Final Fantasy VII.

    One of Tifa's nicknames is Baby Otter, because she can often be found lying on her back, her hind feet waving in the air and her front paws folded on her chest, like an otter opening an abalone shell on the waves.

    Another one of her nicknames is Secret Purr, because her purr is so soft and faint. Only when you are at your most quiet, your most still, your most peaceful can you hear the secret purr. I usually hear it at night, when she lies with her hind feet on my chest and her front paws lightly touching my face.

    Tifa has a sweet, gentle, and affectionate personality. She loves sitting in front of a fan to feel her fur blow back, curling up beside my husband to watch basketball on TV (he says she cheers for the Lakers), and sprawling on the drawbridge of her cat castle as in the picture. Tifa is a cherished member of our family.

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