Cat of the Day

November 11, 2008

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Baboo, the Cat of the Day
Name: Baboo
Age: Eighteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Persian, Angora mix
Home: St. Andrews by-the-Sea, New Brunswick, Canada
   I am a cross between a Persian and an Angora, and live in beautiful St. Andrews by-the-Sea. I have traveled the world from Turkey to Vancouver. My mum rescued me when I was two weeks old and bottle feed me for four weeks. I am particularly fond of chicken and corn, and like lazy naps in the sun. I have been an indoor cat for my entire life and am one of the most cuddly kitties ever. I drool when I get over excited and particularly love to be cuddled with Mum. I am still a kitten at heart and look forward to the Christmas tree going up every year so I can chase the ornaments around the house and chew the pretty bows on presents. I wake Mum and Dad every morning at 530am for my breakfast and Mum says she does not need an alarm clock. If they are particularly hard to awake, I paw their face and drool on their cheek; they seem to get up pretty fast then and fix me my breakfast.

Baboo, the Cat of the Day

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