Cat of the Day

December 19, 2009

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Kramer, the Cat of the Day
Name: Kramer
Age: Twelve years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Maine Coon mix
Home: Central New Jersey, USA
   Meet Kramer, named for the Seinfeld character with a similar hairstyle. Kramer is a mostly Maine Coon cat, but he's a very small Maine Coon - he runs about eleven pounds. He acts true to the breed, however - he's a "one-person cat", he's my personal cat, and makes sure I'm accompanied everywhere I go. He is also extremely jealous and dislikes when any other cat is getting attention which he feels is rightfully his. He doesn't 'meow', he can only make tiny squeaks, trills and chirping sounds - in fact, he lived with me for several months before I found out he wasn't mute; he'd never made a single sound until then. He had come from a pretty bad situation, he was a definite "rescue" cat, and it took quite a while for him to come out of his shell and accept and trust people again, but he certainly has now!

    He's very, very, very affectionate and talkative now, and loves nothing more than a warm human (me) to curl up and sleep on. Like most Coons, he's extremely handsome, with the typical ear tufts, cheek-ruffs, and mane, and those gorgeous markings on his face and cheeks; and of course he has that huge fluffy Coon-tail which is half his total length - and he's very expressive with it. He's very acrobatic and graceful when chasing fishing-rod toys, laser-pointer dots, etc., like an overgrown feline squirrel; no way he's slowing down or getting less active with age. He is also a good alarm clock, and will get people up by simply putting his head down and pushing as hard as he can to try and shove you out of bed - and he is strong! But I don't know how I ever lived without him - he's my very, very special personal coon-friend.

Kramer, the Cat of the Day

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