Cat of the Day

January 27, 2009

Today's Cat
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Jack, the Cat of the Day
Name: Jack
Age: Two years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Seattle, Washington, USA
   This is my cat and love of my life, Jack. I would say tabby, but he is ridiculously tall and skinny, and his markings are absolutely beautiful so I would almost say he had some kind of exotic breed in him... Perhaps he's part Bengal.

    I have never been so attached to any pet of mine as I have been to Jack. I adopted him from my aunt, and coincidentally he and I just about share the same name (Jack and Jaki). He follows me around the house all day long, thinks the front door to his house is my bedroom window, and he's figured out how to open and close the bedroom door. Whenever his mood changes, his facial expressions do too - as though he were human. He is the sweetest, most tolerant cat you will ever meet and he has more personality than any animal I have ever met. I have had him for exactly a year on December 31st, and I look forward to spending many more years with him at my side. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him!

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