Cat of the Day

November 3, 2009

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Bianco, the Cat of the Day
Name: Bianco
Age: Six months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Persian, Domestic mix
Home: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
   My precious baby's one name is Bianco, for the obvious reasons (it means white in Italian) and the second named Beamer. I just thought it suited him and at the time I was driving one... so why not? Bianco lives in the City of Toronto and is an indoor cat. Bianco is my special boy whom I sometime call him by his nickname; superman/monkey, because he seems to always find high places he likes to jump at or into. No height scares him from attempting his jump... and he makes it look so easy.

    Bianco came into my life after I lost my first boy Beamer to a heart disease at the age of eight. I saved Bianco from this home where he was born in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Bianco was not fed properly and was very malnourished. You could see his bones sticking out of his body and the owner had threatened that if she couldn't find him a home within the next two days that she would throw him into some field to fed for himself - he was only three months old at the time! Of course I couldn't let this happen and took him into my home and by that time Beamer had been gone already two years. The mourning had to stop and it was time to bring a new light into my home.

    Bianco grew very fast as you can imagine and from this picture he looks more mature than you'd think, the poor guy never saw food before but is now very well kept and feed properly. When he wakes up in the middle of the night or early morning he'll suck on my chin to tell me he's hungry; I guess he thinks I'm mommy because when I brought him home I had to teach him how to eat. He loves to sleep above my head and greets me at the door every day when I come home from work. He loves to play catch and acts like a dog most of time... the only thing he can't do is bark. He's very vocal and I love it when he thinks we're having a conversation. When something scares him, he'll run up to my chest and sits there until he feels it is safe to roam around again. I don't know what I ever did without him before he entered my world.

    I hope Bianco can makes someone smile when seeing his picture and hearing his happily ever after story.

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