Cat of the Day

December 11, 2010

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Kiyone, the Cat of the Day
Name: Kiyone
Age: Nine years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tabby
Home: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
   My family took me to the animal shelter expecting I would pick out a dog. We came home with a cat that thinks she is a dog. Kiyone used to be known by the name Foxy at the shelter, and was adopted out once before. Shelter workers told us that an old lady took her home, then brought her back saying she was "too lovable". As much as I wonder what was wrong with this woman, I still consider it a blessing she returned Kiyone, so I could adopt her instead. Kiyone truly is too lovable, but my family and I have learned to live with this "pet" peeve of hers. It is very difficult to cope with a lovable cat. Especially at three in the morning when she wants to cuddle.

    Her name is Japanese and means "sound of purity." Of course, I gave her this name before she learned how to "talk." The sound of her meow is pure. It's also loud and surprisingly masculine. Kiyone is quite tough herself, capable of punching me out of a dead sleep or opening a jammed door with just her head. But she is also obscenely cute, and frighteningly smart. Once, she would not let me hug her until I said please to her. She loves all people, and has no fear of visitors in our house, but hates other animals. She is my muse, and my baby. She is also my alarm clock. Kiyone is a cat with many talents. Of course, I am biased.

Kiyone, the Cat of the Day

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