Cat of the Day

December 14, 2010

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Roger, the Cat of the Day
Name: Roger
Age: Sixteen and a half years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: British Columbia, Canada
   I would like to introduce everyone to the senior citizen of the house; Roger. Roger is sixteen and a half years of age (as of December 2010), fourteen pounds and as you can see, he not only looks very young for his age but is very dashing and suave.

    Roger was adopted from a country farm in British Columbia (Canada) when he was approximately six weeks old. I was so taken by his bright little face and big eyes; they were so full of mischief in those days. That was back in the day when he had jets attached to his feet and was known as little Roger-Ramjet around the house. These days he is slower, more contemplative, preferring a moderate dignified pace as opposed to being jet propelled across the furniture. He sleeps more and his personal comforts are ever forefront in his thoughts; well they do say that sleep is restorative when you have long luxurious naps between breakfast and dinner.

    Roger enjoys the company of his fellow cats in the home, even if they are girls. He is friendly and gentle for the most part, and loves to sit or sleep close enough to lean against us. He's friendly to visitors (two and four legged) to the house and is keen to make friends quickly. He is a diplomat and bridges communication problems with his presence, simply put - he imagines that all woes and strife will be forgotten when people behold his magnificence. He doesn't make a big fuss, but is welcoming and enjoys being spoken to. His face lights up when we speak to him; eyes widening, his front paws wriggle while purring and he makes a small meow in response. Overall, he's a happy boy with that hopeful expression, "Aren't you going to pet me?"

    Don't let the picture fool you, his fur is all different lengths. He naturally has the "old mattress look" and he has always looked like that. That look is there regardless of how well brushed and groomed he is. No mats at all, just weird-looking fur. Right from the time he was a kitten, his fur was a nightmare to look at ... but no mats. I guess that is the "farm boy" in him.

    Roger lives with his two "sister cats" and even though one is such a bossy girl and likes to push Roger out of his bed, he is normally good natured about it, but every once in awhile he is in "a mood" and gets that "okay, I've had enough of you!" look in his eye and chases her through the house. He may be a senior, but he still has what it takes to rule the roost. With his other sister, though, he is always gentle and kind. He may swat at the first for one reason or another, but never with the other. That demonstrates his kindness and intelligence, that he recognizes the sweet gentleness of another cat.

    We hope that Roger continues to enjoy good health and will be with us for a very longtime. 16.5 X 7 = 115.5 and going strong. We should all be so lucky! Roger will be seventeen years old in the spring and credits his longevity to good food, plenty of sleep, quiet and rationing his kittenish behavior to only once a week (to do otherwise would not be dignified for his lordship). His very bright eyes make all the girls swoon and he knows how to use them to his advantage.

Roger, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Roger!
Roger, the Cat of the Day
Roger, the Cat of the Day

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