Cat of the Day

December 31, 2010

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Weebie, the Cat of the Day
Name: Weebie
Age: Fourteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Calico
Home: Fairhaven, Massachusetts, USA
   Weebie has been supervising her human for fourteen years now, having been rescued in the aftermath of a drug bust (she was a very frightened five to six month old kitten that a heroin dealer had). At first, the human couldn't think of a name and referred to her as "the wee beastie" but this eventually got shortened to Weebie and while she is not so wee anymore, tipping the scales at sixteen pounds, the name really seems to be right for her anyway.

    Weebie has gotten to the age where she speaks her mind...constantly. She follows her human from room to room and pontificates (pontifi-cats?) on everything. Her cat-sitter, who just filled in for the regular human this past week during a vacation, even remarked that Weebie talks a lot! Despite her age, Weebie is a very perky, energetic cat with several kittenish qualities. Her human refers to her as sixteen pounds of boredom and busy paws, so cat-proofing the apartment is very important. She likes to open cupboards, closets, and closed doors (the greatest bane of existence to her is a closed door).

    As you can see in the picture, she is pretty girl and the apple of her human's eye!

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