Cat of the Day

January 16, 2010

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Annie, the Cat of the Day
Name: Annie
Age: Five years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Short Hair
Home: Hudson Oaks, Texas, USA
   Annie is a black and White cat. We got Annie from our vet when she was eight weeks old. At the time we had an older kitty named Misty that was an eighteen-year-old Siamese. Misty passed when she reached a ripe age of twenty. Annie helped us heal from the loss of Misty. Annie is a sweet and smart cat that is very independent. She tells us when she wants attention or wants food. She is an indoor cat and one day we made the mistake of letting her out on the patio. Now she stands by the door and meows.

    She also knows where the treat jar is and will go and stand by it until we give her a treat. Another thing she does on a regular basis is to sit on her Daddy's stomach every night to get special attention. She also loves to lie on her back to sleep. In the morning when I am reading my paper on the kitchen counter she comes up and lies right in the middle so she can get her morning rub! Forget about reading the paper when she's around.

    We now have another cat named Nikki. We got Nikki from the local animal shelter. Watching them play is like watching a cat movie on TV - they will chase each other and jump over a chair and sprint into the bedroom where they tumble and play until one will hiss to say "stop" or they both get tired.

Annie, the Cat of the Day
Annie, the Cat of the Day

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