Cat of the Day

January 26, 2010

Today's Cat
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Patches, the Cat of the Day
Name: Patches
Age: Four years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tortioseshell mix
Home: Seymour, Indiana, USA
   Patches is special because she chose us to be her family. Apparently, since she strayed from her litter, this cute little creature has warmed our hearts every day with her cute little chirps and unending affection. She loves to cuddle and will head-butt your hand until you give in and pet her! Then she grooms you in return.

    Patches was a stray who appeared seemingly out of nowhere, as they all do. Mom first named her Cinnamon, but I thought Patches suited her much better. She is kind of a shy kitty. The natural patterned expression on her face shows this quite well, always looking as if she is startled. She's gotten lost outside a few times, but mom figured a way to help her. Two times now Mom has walked around the block to "leave her scent" for Patches. It's worked both times so she will always know where her home is.

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