Cat of the Day

January 30, 2010

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Gumbo, the Cat of the Day
Name: Gumbo
Age: Twelve years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Davenport, Iowa, USA
   Gumbo, a.k.a. Dufus (a nickname he's earned) is a handsome, laid-back, one-eyed, two-toothed, crooked-tailed, loveable gentleman. As he was a stray, his age is uncertain, but he's likely around twelve years old. And with just one eye, it's always like he's giving the world a permanent wink! He saunters over to me wherever I am and either asks for permission to jump up on my lap or sits, mrrows, and waits patiently to be picked up and carried like a toddler. He balances on my right hip and persistently rubs his head against my chin when he desires more attention.

    While he has his mischievous side, tormenting our neurotic cat just for entertainment sake, he prefers to settle on my lap and purr. What could be better?

Gumbo, the Cat of the Day

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