Cat of the Day

January 31, 2010

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Oscar, the Cat of the Day
Name: Oscar
Age: Thirteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tuxedo
Home: London, UK
   This is OSCAR. Oscar was a stray who adopted us back in 1998. He had been disowned by his former 'family' who had thrown him out. He came to us with a huge gash in his neck where he had been savaged by a dog. Our local vet 'repaired' him and sent him home with a little red bandana round his neck to cover his bandage.

    At first he had to share the house with our older female cat - Miffy - who was eighteen years old. It was like having a truculent teenager and a grumpy grandmother living under the same roof. They hissed and scratched and fought but didn't do any damage to each other. After Miffy passed on, Oscar just became the 'king of the castle.

    If you're reading he must sit on your lap and if you're asleep he must sleep on your head. He is an indoor cat now and never goes out - just to go out of the front door in central London would be suicide for a cat with all the busy roads nearby. Now he's getting older he sleeps a lot but every so often he will have a 'scatattack' and will race round the house and up and down the stairs like a mad thing until he's worn you out.

    We wouldn't be without him for the world.

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