Cat of the Day

November 17, 2010

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Batman, the Cat of the Day
Name: Batman
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: North Carolina, USA
   We got Batman from our local animal shelter after our cat of fifteen years passed away last April. Batman is an indoor cat (we sat him in the tree for the picture - you can see how his black forms a kind of mask and cape!). He runs and plays like a dog. And at night he sleeps with our son in his bunk bed.

    Batman is independent, he is not a lap sitter but he loves attention and is very floppy as far as being handled. He loves to play with pot holders carrying them through the house. And he loves to unroll the toilet paper. He likes his chin and chest brushes but will eat you up if you try to comb his belly. Fancy Feast is his favorite wet food but he loves snacks like butter, pretzels, and tries to get chocolate when we have it. Batman loves to curl up and sleep in shoe boxes, of all places.

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