Cat of the Day

December 28, 2011

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Mieke, Meira, the Cat of the Day
Name: Mieke, Meira
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female
Kind: British Shorthair Tabby
Home: Falkensee, Germany
   My cats Mieke and Miera look very similar because they are sisters. It's hard to see the difference between them, but Miera has a white spot on her neck. In their attitude, though they are very different. Mieke is like a little mother. If there is an argument in our family, she will protest. Miera sometimes claws at our furniture or even at me. But she also cuddles with me often. Miera likes dry food and Mieke likes wet food, but both like to eat very much. Sometimes when you talk to them, it is as if they answer you. That's crazy, but true.

    They love it to hunt other little animals like birds or mice. They often bring us their prey as a sign of respect and we have to compliment them. Sometimes I worry they might get hurt, but I'm glad to see everything is all right.

    With Miera, if I give her something like a newspaper, she will grab the newspaper with her claws and both of us pull on several ends. And if I come closer she licks my nose. I like my cats.

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