Cat of the Day

January 6, 2011

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Crouton, the Cat of the Day
Name: Crouton
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic Short-Hair
Home: Penticton, British Columbia, Canada
   I'm Crouton and I'm the most passionate cat you will ever meet. I love my people and they love me -- most of the time. I love my brothers, well except the interloper Guinness, and I show everyone my love in little ways. Like when I scent mark every possible surface in the house multiple times. I'm just showing them I'm here! And when I try to take a shower with my people, I'm just happy to be anywhere they are. Guests are the best! I meet everyone who comes over at the door and paw the air until I get some attention. If they don't immediately show me the love, I will either attack them or climb onto their lap when they are taking off their shoes. Really, you'd think people would learn after a while.

    I'm an indoor only cat, although I've had a few excursions in the big room I'm not allowed in where everything smells. Sadly, those excursions haven't always been successful and I'm much happier indoors. I sit at the big window and chatter at the birds, then race to all the windows in the house hunting for the creature that lives outdoors and looks and sounds like me. He doesn't realize it, but I'm on to him and one of these days...

    One of the other ways I try to garner all the attention in the house is to make sure everything that is movable lives on the floor. Who knows what kind of trouble those gadgets would get into if it wasn't for me making sure they know who the boss is? If I see anything on a table or counter, I immediately knock it off. I'm very dexterous and those gadgets have nothing on me! However, the trick is to do all this when no one is watching, otherwise loud noises are made in my general direction that aren't very loving.

    Since I'm quite a bit smaller than my brothers, Denali and Guinness, I have to make sure I'm not forgotten. So when I'm feeling especially neglected, I walk around the house howling until someone remembers me. It works like a charm! I have my people wrapped around my little paw, which is exactly as it should be.

Crouton, the Cat of the Day

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