Cat of the Day

January 14, 2011

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Bradley, the Cat of the Day
Name: Bradley
Age: Fourteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Manchester, UK
   Bradley was born on Christmas Day 1997. He used to live down the road from us but decided he preferred to be with us. One day we found him on our bed and we phoned his family and they came and took him home. Five minutes later he was back and has stayed with us ever since - that was about five years ago. He is very bossy and very loud. He likes his breakfast usually between 5-6am and when he wants it he bellows extremely loudly fortunately I don't hear him but my husband always does so he gets up and feeds him and Sophie, our other cat. They then settle down for another sleep. He is also very vocal and bellows when he uses the cat litter tray and has a drink of water - this is to let us know what he is doing. The same applies when he goes outside - he is not a great fan of the outdoors but occasionally he likes a little stroll and when he wants to come in he bellows - he won't use the cat flap! He likes to be very warm and gets very annoyed when we turn the heater off!

    He is very affectionate towards his toy mice and likes to sit with them all around him. He also loves some old socks that I have filled with catnip and he has them round him too! He is very big and cannot sit on my knee because he doesn't fit and falls off and he loves me very much and just sits and stares at me with his big eyes.

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