Cat of the Day

January 15, 2011

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Dusty, the Cat of the Day
Name: Dusty
Age: Six months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: East Syracuse, New York, USA
   Dusty came to me when he was seven weeks old, and he had already been with two previous owners. I adopted him as a companion for my fourteen-year-old cat Molly (male cat - long story), who lost his buddy Cookie to old age a couple years ago. I decided it was time for him to have somebody to keep him company during the long days while I was at work. I've never been without a cat at any point during my adult life, and my enjoyment always comes from their willingness to curl up and cuddle either on my lap or next to me. He was such a cute little bundle of energy and so much fun to watch and play with, but at first did a lot of biting and attacking, and didn't seem to be much of a cuddler. It was suggested to me that he may have been taken away from his mother too soon, and I don't really know what he had been through in his short life before he came to live with me. I was beginning to worry about Molly, whose aging bones just weren't up to this challenge! But sometimes we have a visit from a four-year-old Chihuahua, and the two of them give each other all the exercise they could possibly need by chasing each other up and down the hallway.

    Dusty is now six months old, and little by little he has inched his way into my heart. When I sit on the couch in the evening, he has started sneaking up on the back of the couch and resting his paws and chin on my shoulder. And when I come home from work every day, I sit at my desk to check my email, and he hops up and slowly stretches his way across the keyboard to let me know that he's more important. He watches the monitor as I show him the pets of the day, and sometimes tries to "help" me with my email by adding some interesting keystrokes. And now he joins Molly and me by curling up next to us on the couch in the evening and he settles in comfortably. I can't speak for Molly, but I am so happy Dusty is in our lives.

Dusty, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Dusty!
Dusty, the Cat of the Day
Dusty, the Cat of the Day

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