Cat of the Day

November 1, 2011

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Luca, the Cat of the Day
Name: Luca
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tabby
Home: New York City, New York, USA
   I adopted Luca from a NYC shelter when he was three months old. Not only does he fetch, but he can leap four feet in the air while catching his toy. He is also toilet-trained (which I highly recommend to everyone). He is loving and sweet, follows me from room to room, falls asleep on my chest as I watch TV, and curls up near my head when I go to sleep - all sixteen pounds of him.

    Luca is special - I adopted him three months after losing my first cat, who I had for almost fourteen years. He's very goofy; he enjoys sleeping on his back completely stretched out. His favorite game is fetch, and he awakens me in the morning by bringing me his mouse, which he first dunks in his water bowl, then drops near my sleeping face. He can also jump high and catch his mouse in his mouth mid-air. He's very affectionate, climbing onto my chest when I watch TV, resting his head on my shoulder and holding on to my arm with both paws. He tends to be shy when several people come over the house, but he particularly enjoys men, and rubs his face on their feet. He enjoys drinking water out of my hand and launches himself on me when he sees I'm holding my water bottle (I can't leave glasses anywhere near him because he knocks them over). Despite him being sixteen pounds, he thankfully doesn't knock me over too.

Luca, the Cat of the Day
Luca, the Cat of the Day

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