Cat of the Day

November 24, 2011

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Inka, the Cat of the Day
Name: Inka
Age: Nine years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Cat
Home: Ghent, Belgium
   Our sister-in-law Marie-Rose found Inka in a cornfield next to her house. She was still a little kitten, we all think she lost her mom and siblings when the farmer cut the cornfield! As Marie-Rose was about to leave on a trip to Egypt, she asked if I wanted her. Of course!

    Inka was such a funny little thing! She had a special way to walk, eat, jump, everything! But she was such a beautiful fur ball!! Later we learned she had CH (Cerebellar Hypoplasia): no coordination between front and hint legs, bad eyesight, etc... It is the same as Cerebral Palsy in people, and usually caused by the cat mother having had distemper.

    Inka loves to play in "her" garden, so she is very mad at the black tomcat who visits our garden almost every day!! He is aggressive towards her, though. She is my special kitty, because of her Cerebellar Hypoplasia! It makes her suspicious to any sudden sounds and movements, but she can also be so loving and sweet, giving me sweet wet kisses on my nose and mouth every morning!

    Inka is our Alpha cat! Due to the bad eyesight she is very insecure and very easily scared too. But when Inka decides she wants to sleep on the couch, she will chase away whichever cat is there at that moment! She is very talkative and has a very loud voice! When it is feeding time, it is enough to yell "Yummies!!!" and make sure that Inka hears it. Then she takes care of the rest by meowing non-stop until she gets her food. Yes indeed, she is like a "food-alert-clock" ! Our son Jo is her favorite human; He may do whatever he wants with her, she allows it all! But when someone else even only tries to touch her belly... forget it!

    Inka loves playing with things on a rod, little fake fur mice. She is always hungry and is know as our "cat-dishwasher"! Every morning my hubby brings her to our bed when he gets up. She climbs on me then and covers my face with wet catlickies! I love those moments!

    I am thankful Inka has been my kitty all these years and she and I would like to wish our American friends all a Happy Thanksgiving and hopes your gardens are full of good things!

Inka, the Cat of the Day

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