Cat of the Day

December 23, 2012

Today's Cat
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Liam, the Cat of the Day
Name: Liam
Age: Two years old
Gender: Male
Kind: House Cat
Home: Norway
   This is my precious little baby. His name is Liam, and he started living with me on August the 26th, 2010. He has the weirdest personality. I can carry him up-side-down, and he will look around the room like it's a whole new world, with googly round, curious eyes. I can carry him over my shoulders, and he will just lay there like everything's chill. He also likes to be a little devil's cat sometimes, and ruin things. But this is what I get for him being an indoor cat.

    Liam craves attention, badly. If my father takes the dog out for a walk, Liam will stand at the door and call after them. It's almost heartbreaking to listen to, but when they get back in, he runs to the dog and meows like he is yelling at them, telling them off badly. But with some stroking his white fur, everything is back to normal.

    Every morning when I wake up and go to the kitchen, Liam comes running in, meowing like he is telling me how bored he's been, what he's been doing all night when we were all sleeping, and how he had really nothing to do. I reply to him, and he "talks" back to me. That brightens my life.

    Liam never says no to snuggles, he loves to be picked up and starts purring when I give him attention. He is the best cat in the entire world that I know of, and he owns a big part of my heart. I love my little baby, more than anything!

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