Cat of the Day

January 7, 2012

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Tipper, the Cat of the Day
Name: Tipper
Age: Three months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: New Philadelphia, Ohio, USA
   Hi I'm Tipper (see the tip on my tail). Somehow I got lost from my mommy and I showed up at this nice ladies house. The nice lady called one of the folks at our local cat shelter and because I was only about three to four weeks old and needed some help being away from my mommy, she took me home with her. She took great care of me. When I was doing better and it was getting time for me to leave and find a new home, the original nice lady called and said she knew some folks that would like to take me home with them forever.

    I was taken to my new owner's work where everyone was really glad to see me. They all played with me and I got really tired and went to sleep until it was time to go to my new home. I love it here at my new home. They have another cat, but he has to stay outside. However, they let us play together in the garage and we have a great time. We really like each other even though he is twice my size. My new owners have spoiled me with toys, a new cat tower, and lots of love. I love to sneak attack them and bite their feet. But I also love to sleep on their laps and let them pet me. They even let me sleep in their bed, can you believe it! I love to watch and chase this spot that moves on the computer which they say is caused by the mouse, but I don't see any mouse. I also love to get into small spaces, play in the water in the bathroom sinks, jump in the tub, and when my new owner is in her office, I like to stay there with her and sleep in my box.

Tipper, the Cat of the Day See more images of Tipper!
Tipper, the Cat of the Day
Tipper, the Cat of the Day

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