Cat of the Day

January 11, 2012

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Maggie Rose, the Cat of the Day
Name: Maggie Rose
Age: Ten years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Chocolate Point Birman
Home: Holland, Pennsylvania, USA
   Krom the time she arrived at age three months, weighing 2.9 pounds, Maggie Rose (aka Her Maggieness) has ruled the house. She has to share it with another Birman, two-year-old Sophia Grace (who is her half sister). But definitely, in her mind, everything in the house belongs to her! She didn't become a lap cat until after the age of two, but now she follows me around and has to get on my lap whenever it is available. In the photo, her attitude is "This is my lap, even if there is already something on it!!!". Of course, all of the many toys belong to her, although she does share them occasionally. And the computer printer holds a singular fascination - she will come running from wherever she is, out of a seemingly sound sleep, to attack the paper as it comes out of the printer.

    She is the consummate hostess cat, feeling it her duty to entertain all guests, even offering to use their lap for a sleeping place or to share their bed at night. Of course, in return, she expects them to play with her, as well as admire her. She tends to win over even those who wouldn't have said they like cats! They must like Maggie!

Maggie Rose, the Cat of the Day

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