Cat of the Day

January 15, 2012

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James, the Cat of the Day
Name: James
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Orange Tabby
Home: San Clemente, California, USA
   James is a very special little guy, and his story begins back in late September of 2008. I was about Fourteen years old, and I worked with my mom at a rescue shelter that, of course, took in neglected and abandoned animals and worked to find homes for them. One afternoon, one of the volunteers brought in a little kitten who looked to be no more than about twelve weeks old. The kitten was very sick. Fur matted, eyes dull, very skinny and dirty. They said he was limping around the streets, looking lost and confused. My mom and I took him and looked him over. He had a gash on his front right paw that was bleeding on and off, causing his leg to be weak. He wouldn't eat or drink because of the pain and his chances of survival weren't looking good. I told my mom to give him a chance, so she took him to the back for work on his paw. After some time, and even though it was tough, we managed to heal up the wound. After recovery he started walking better, eating and drinking. After that I spent a lot of time with him. It was after a month, me and the cat (who I named James along the way) really bonded and we became the best of friends. So I brought him home once we made sure he was recovered, and he's been with me ever since.

    Now James is about three years old (though we don't know his exact birthday) and is the best cat companion I could ever ask for. He's quite the goof, he rolls around on the carpet like a dog and even lets me rub his belly, which makes me think sometimes that he might just be part dog. He also makes silly faces that gives me a good laugh all the time! He loves his food, he could eat non-stop all day if I let him, surprisingly he's not a very chunky cat. His favorite way to past time would be what he's best at ... sleeping! He just loves lazing around in the sun, especially on weekends when I'm home with him. He usually either sits in front of our backyard screen door where the sun streams in, or on top of the couch by the front window. Sleeping and being lazy is his specialty! Though he is an indoor cat, I sometimes take him out front with the cat harness, but he doesn't usually enjoy it. His best friend is Willow, my friend's cat. Him and Willow really bonded since James was a kitten. James is Three and Willow is Six, but they still get along great and play together.

    I do everything I can with James, and he is truly my best friend! James is proof of just how amazing rescue animals can be, and how grateful they can be when you give them a second chance at life. James and I would like to say, if you are ever thinking of adding a new friend to the family, please consider a rescue - it will be one of the best choices you ever make!

   Love and kitten cuddles from James! xoxo

James, the Cat of the Day
See more images of James!
James, the Cat of the Day
James, the Cat of the Day
James, the Cat of the Day

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