Cat of the Day

January 29, 2012

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Kitty, the Cat of the Day
Name: Kitty
Age: Deceased, Eighteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Tiger
Home: Stone Creek, Ohio, USA
   This was our lovely "Kitty". Kitty passed away in April at the age of eighteen. She was our buddy and my husband and I miss her very much.

    She was really our youngest son's cat. Some friends said they had some kittens and when we went out to their barn to look at them, all but one scattered. Just because she stayed doesn't mean it was easy catching her. When our son was finally able to grab her there was a lot of hissing and scratching but she settled right down once we got to her new home. She was very much a one family cat and hid whenever company came. And she seemed to know when that last person went out the door and would show up almost immediately to see what was going on now that company was gone.

    In her younger days she loved to play with her toys and loved catnip. She loved to sit in the windows and "get the birdies". Every morning my husband and Kitty would have a fight. All you had to do was point your finger at her and she got the "evil look" which you can see in the one picture. Kitty would then jump up on the bed where she knew he was going to sit down to put his socks on and when he would move her, the fight was on. She loved to sit on the mouse or our arm when we would be at the computer. She also loved potato chips and Doritos and would beg for them if someone was eating them. And we learned not to leave a drink sitting around and walk away from it because her paw was going in it for a taste!

    When our son moved out to be married we couldn't give her up and she stayed with us. She had attitude! She sat on our lap when she wanted to, she let us pet her when she wanted us to, and she slept on our bed when she wanted to! She was a beautiful cat and she knew it. Yet even with that attitude, she would let us know she loved us too!

Kitty, the Cat of the Day
Kitty, the Cat of the Day

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