Cat of the Day

November 1, 2012

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Anuska, the Cat of the Day
Name: Anuska
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Short-haired Calico
Home: United Kingdom
   This is Anuska. What makes her special? What makes any cat special? Firstly, she owns us. As one of our fridge magnets says, "you have not lived until you've been owned by a cat." My wife and I are unpaid cook and butler to a gorgeous calico.

    In return she deigns to spend her evenings with us. Having spent the day outside (we assume) while we are at work, we find her waiting for us on our return, or very shortly afterwards, the rattle of the cat flap as she rushes in to greet us! Many observers suggest cats have an instinct for the imminent return of their staff, Anuska proves this to be true in our minds.

    When we are at home at weekends she never goes too far from our home or garden. Her favorite haunt is the top of our neighbor's shed that gives her an all-round view of her territory. The picture shows a typical view of her looking down into her (our) living room, presumably to check we are alright! Very much a "sentry on duty."

    As she is still a young cat, she still can't resist a game of chase with the red spot of a laser pointer. We always have a special playtime in the early evening before she demands food and retires to a lap for the rest of the night. Touchingly she often comes to say goodnight as we settle down to sleep and then jumps up to the top of a wardrobe to sleep on her blanket. We wouldn't have it any other way!

Anuska, the Cat of the Day

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