Cat of the Day

November 6, 2012

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Jada, the Cat of the Day
Name: Jada
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Sphynx Cat
Home: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
   This is our beautiful girl sphynx cat, Jada. She truly is a unique cat, and most times, doesn't even act like a cat at all. Jada is a very spoiled cat, and she knows it!

   Jada is our very first cat and our first Sphynx cat, I now own two. She loves being around people at all times. She is hardly ever shy, and she expects people, even strangers, to come up and pet her. She is a very vocal girl, and always tries to talk to me. She will sometimes make me "follow" her to somewhere too, by constantly meowing at me. She usually just brings me to a toy she can't reach on her own. Jada has one specific toy, a small blue plush football, that she absolutely loves, and she will carry it around in her mouth. She likes playing fetch, and will continue to bring a toy back if I continue to throw it.

   You can always find her staring out windows, if she isn't laying in my lap or a family member's lap. Whenever she sees a bird outside or even a bug, she always makes a strange noise that I can only classify it as chattering/chirping. Jada also enjoys holding hands, and if I squeeze her hand lightly she will hold my hand even tighter. Jada also knows how to kiss. If you put your lips close to kiss her, she'll meet you half way.

   One thing that makes her very special, is the fact that I believe she is a cat that is able to heal people. As a matter of a fact, everyone that meets her says she has something special about her. The reason I believe this is because every time I have ever felt ill or had a sore body part, she would always climb up on my stomach or lay on the spot that hurt. After about ten minutes of her laying on me, I would almost feel completely normal. The rest of my family have also had similar experiences.

   She loves getting her belly rubbed, and will roll and squirm on her back and meow until you come over and pet her. She also insists on sitting in the empty laundry basket when a family member is doing laundry. Jada can also open doors, if she really wants to get to something on the other side.

   Jada always wants to sleep with me in my bed. Most of the time, she even sleeps like a person. She'll completely stretch out on the bed, and lay her head on my pillow and the rest of her body under the sheets. She loves getting petted, and even has a strange purr. She likes climbing into boxes, or inspecting bags that I bring home from a store. She also enjoys playing with loose hair ties and twisty ties, regardless of the fact she has tons of toys we bought specifically for her.

   Jada knows she is a princess, and expects to be treated like one. She has made an amazing addition to the family and I couldn't have asked for more.

Jada, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Jada!
Jada, the Cat of the Day
Jada, the Cat of the Day
Jada, the Cat of the Day
Jada, the Cat of the Day

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