Cat of the Day

November 11, 2012

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Peaches, the Cat of the Day
Name: Peaches
Age: Three and a half months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Orange Tabby
Home: Vaughan, Ontario, Canada
   Meet Peaches (Princess Peach). I first found her on September 15th of this year. She had been coming around my aunt's backyard for a few days (a farm area with foxes and coyotes. No place for a tiny kitten). We realized she was in very bad shape and I couldn't leave her there alone. She was teeny-tiny, skinny, and malnourished (she was about two months and weighed less than two pounds). Something was not right with her mouth, but we couldn't get a close enough look. When I was finally able to catch her, we quickly put her in a box (with holes, so she could breathe, of course) and drove her over to the vet. He took her out to examine her ... it was worse than we thought. The skin of her bottom jaw was completely torn off the bone. It was hanging, bloody, dirty and infected. There was nothing he could do to fix it. Stitching was not possible, because there wasn't any skin to connect the stitching to. We didn't give up. The vet gave me an antibiotic to give her, orally, twice a day, with a little syringe. On top of that, she had fleas and worms. It's been a little over a month, but look at her now! She's a fighter! She's happy, healthy, and good as new. She's lucky she went to the right house and found me, otherwise she probably wouldn't have survived out there alone. She's very cuddly, loves to snuggle, and is constantly purring. We know she's thankful to be alive.

Peaches, the Cat of the Day
Peaches, the Cat of the Day

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