Cat of the Day

November 28, 2012

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Mystic, Mittens, the Cat of the Day
Name: Mystic, Mittens
Age: Three months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Orange Tabby
Home: Gretna, Louisiana, USA
   A few days after Hurricane Isaac this summer I went with a few relatives to help clean up a friend's yard in the New Orleans suburb of Terrytown, Louisiana. On walking to one side of his house I saw a little orange ball that I quickly assumed was a dead kitten, another casualty of Isaac. When I bent over the little body, however, eyes suddenly opened and feet started moving. I quick snatch, and I had a very frightened kitten in my hand.

    We asked a neighbor but she knew nothing about the kitten but said that she had rescued an almost identical kitten during the storm. She further said that she was keeping it her bath tub for safe keeping but that as soon as traffic could flow again she would "take it to animal control and they can put in down". Enough said, we came away with two kittens.

    So Mystic (full name Alma Mystic) and Mittens have a new home, compliments of Isaac. A quick trip to the vet and they were given some treatment for fleas and parasites, but otherwise proclaimed in good health. Mystic had a slight eye problem that cleared up after only two days. They both took to their new home with typical kitten gusto and play without fear with their new human friends. Mittens is the bolder one while Mystic holds back a little until she is comfortable.

    After two and a half months they are super active young cats and enjoy nothing more that exploring and play wrestling with each other and with us. As you can see, either a piece of red string or a red laser light can be tons of fun and endless amusement, until they are so tuckered out we put it away, as we wouldn't want anyone to ingest the string, and we know how mischievous kittens can be! We sure love them both!

Mystic, Mittens, the Cat of the Day
See more images of Mystic, Mittens!
Mystic, Mittens, the Cat of the Day
Mystic, Mittens, the Cat of the Day
Mystic, Mittens, the Cat of the Day
Mystic, Mittens, the Cat of the Day
Mystic, Mittens, the Cat of the Day

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