Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Cato the Cat
Name: Cato
Age: Ten years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cat
Home: Reutlingen, Germany
   My aunt found Cato on the edge of a highway and gave him to us. He´s a pretty black Cat, but he has got only one eye, because another cat ate his food and so Cato and the other cat fought. In this fight, our poor cat lost his left eye.

     I think Cato is the bravest cat in the world, because another family in our building had three cats and they wanted to have the garden for themselves. The three cats expelled Cato and he didn´t come back for a whole year. I was very sad and I looked for him all the time. Then, after a year, a woman said she found him, and our cat Cato came back home to us. I was very happy! Now he lives peacefully at last, because the warring cat from the beginning is away, and the other three cats are gone too. For me he is a real hero! I love him very much.

Cato the Cat

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