Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Choco the Ragdoll
Name: Choco
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Ragdoll
Home: Szeged, Hungary
   Hi everybody! My cat's name is Choco. He is my first Ragdoll cat and my first cat in my own flat. I love Ragdolls. I had cats in my parent's house but Choco is a special one. He is a funny, intelligent, handsome boy. And he is sooo fluffy, you can't handle this cuteness. As you can see is his picture with his little shirt and collar - he really is mostly fluff!

     His favorite game is playing with a shoelace. He could sleep all day long and get up at night (of course) and meow: "Play with me buddy, right now!" But we love him! He is adorable. He loves everybody, our new and old guests, too. He is soo friendly.

     You can follow him on instagram at: chocotheragdollcat. Thanks in advance for following us!

Choco the Ragdoll Choco the Ragdoll Choco the Ragdoll

Talk about Choco in Pet Talk!

Priscilla the Ragdoll Sassy the Domestic Shorthair Tabby Mcdreamy the Short-haired Persian Yoda the Siamese mix Butch Cassidy the Tabby Maitri the Domestic Shorthair Ernie the American Short Hair Henry the Longhair Mackerel Tabby
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