Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Athena the American Shorthair
Name: Athena
Age: Eight months old
Gender: Female
Kind: American Shorthair
Home: Carson, California, USA
   We adopted her at seven weeks old from a nearby shelter and fell instantly in love! Athena is spunky, funny, inquisitive, and so cuddly! She also loves hiding and jumping at her older sister (ambush!) Beauty.

     The relationship she has forged with Beauty is pretty remarkable. Although she pounces on her for fun, she seems to look to her as her kitty role model. She complains loudly if she can't find Beauty or if Beauty has been accidentally shut in a room! She will come get me to help her rescue Beauty! We all love Athena, and she and we wish all black cats (and others) a safe and Happy Halloween!

Athena the American Shorthair Athena the American Shorthair Athena the American Shorthair Athena the American Shorthair

Talk about Athena in Pet Talk!

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