Cat of the Day
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Cat of the Day
Today's Cat of the Day
Stickers the Maine Coon, the Cat of the Day
Name: Stickers
Age: Deceased, eight years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Maine Coon
Home: Napa Valley, California, USA
   TThis is Stickers, a kitty whom with her siblings was left behind when their people moved. She got to her name because she was covered in stickers, it took many days of hard work to get it all out, she loved to be groomed and held and petted. She took a liking to the dog and let them drag her around and lick on her.

     When city slicker Katie came to the country, Stickers was there to show her the ropes and every morning she came to see if Katie would come out to play. All fluffy and pretty, she came to snuggle. Stickers made friends with everyone. She loved to hop in about three times a day making sure all was well - she really gave you that idea. She was the best hunter we had ever seen,she got them gophers lickety split and ate them bone and all. We all miss Stickers the best kitty in the Napa Valley, we think she might have been a Maine Coon and about 8 years old. A person driving way to fast hit her and she made it back to our yard where she passed and was buried. She will always have a huge spot in our hearts.

Stickers the Maine Coon, the Cat of the Day Stickers the Maine Coon, the Cat of the Day

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